Sunday, May 20, 2007

Featured Roving of the Day - Purple!!

Okay, so I wasn't trying to get purple. I was trying out some of my new dye colors and was doing burgundy. Well the burgundy looked rather pink to me so I added a bit of blue and ta da... we have purple.

Now the irony of this story is (the purple happened yesterday) I was dyeing some roving red this morning as I like to have a nice mix of colors for people to choose from in my shop. I added a few spots of blue hoping for some contrast and spots on the red. Well, I didn't add my vinegar right away (bad mistake) and when I went to do this the blue had spread all over and ruined my red. So I added some more red, then some yellow, then some green (I wasn't happy with the color, can you tell) and finally added some black. I let that stew for a few minutes and then added some more vingear. I let that sit for awhile and now I have burgundy! Go figure... think I will give up while I am ahead today.

So tell me, should I list this, will anyone buy it? It isn't a whole lot but would be a good amount for someone just starting to spin. It will also felt if someone wants to make purple flowers.

Until tomorrow... happy spinning. :)

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