Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Tussah Silk

Here is one of my newest pieces of tussah silk. I listed this one this morning and I am sure glad that I did. Someone liked the colors well enough that I have a custom order to do. I like custom orders... they give me a chance to grow and play with the colors that I like while trying to create the perfect roving for someone. So now I am sitting here at work, chatting with you folks and deciding the best way to dye the roving when I should really be doing the paperwork that is backed up here because of the checkrun that I just spent the last two days working on. The joys of working for the man....

There is some news in the moving department. We might have found a place that is reasonably priced and is on 6 acres. The only draw back is that there is no oven in the kitchen. Not that big a deal though, we can live without one for a few months. We will find out Friday whether we are getting it or not. We will even be able to bring the kitties if we want. Yeah!!!

Until next time happy spinning...

1 comment:

Alpaca Granny said...

Hmmmm, 6 acres - that means room for a dog, cats, sheep, and alpacas, right?