Saturday, June 16, 2007

Silk Yarn

As promised here is a picture of the silk yarn that I had spun up last weekend. This is tussah silk that I dyed myself. The size is actually pretty consistent considering this is the first time that I tried to keep everything one size. I have a sample of some sock yarn and this is the same size. That is a dime in the picture for comparison purposes.

I am dyeing some silk this weekend and am taking pictures as I go along in hopes of showing you the process that I use. Hopefully I will remember to take pictures at each step. We are celebrating my completion of college tonight so I could forget... :) I have been taking classes online for the last three plus years (it seems a lot longer to me) and even though it is only an Associates Degree in Accounting I am pretty proud of myself. I think I deserve a gift... now if I could only decide what I want. Yarn, roving, another spindle, a new Berina sewing machine... decisions, decisions.

Until next time... happy spinning.

1 comment:

Alpaca Granny said...

Congratulations on getting your Associates. It's very difficult taking classes after marriage, jobs, kids,.... all the obligations in the "grown up" world. YEA! for you.